segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2007


The chapter `` opened its own first page of its life, in 2004 with five ´´writers``, and a terrible desire to ´´write`` the first chapter. The Chapter started to be written and continue to be, on Portugal, more precisely in Lisbon (South bank of the river Tagus). The band was formed in 2004 by three of their five members, Gonçalo (vocals), Pedro (drums) and João (guitar). As soon as Pedro (guitar) and Vasco (bass) joined the band, we were able to close the circle of The Chapter and start to look for our own type of Metal sound. However, we keep having some problems with this issue, because The Chapter has a big mixture of sounds. That happens because each member of the band has suffered from many different influences in the type of metal sound he has listened. From this different mixture and musical tastes, we have produced a type of sound, with many influences of Black/Goth/Heavy and Progressive Metal. Id say we can please almost everyone who hears Metal. We, also, can offer to our own music fans, a magical mixture of horror, and at the same time, an extremely beauty. On the other hand, we can give a lot of anger and after that, give some perfect and nicely calm to the music’s. The Chapter started to work on their upcoming Mini album (Ep), called ´´ Into the Abyss``, on December 2005 which will be released in October 2006, more precisely day 31 of October. Everyone who are interested to get the Ep ´´Into The Abyss ``, can get on our concerts or contact us through our Myspace. At the moment we still looking for a musical publishing company for we are able to spread much better our Album and reach more people. We will grow as musicians and people, to take The Chapter as far as possible. We will ´´write`` our book, in our own ´´words`` in our ´´pages``, trying to give and get the best of our work, until the end. We hope to see you soon. Infernal greetings from The Chapter and Portugal to all of you.


No próximo dia 5 de abril, não vosso novo espaço, os THE CHAPTER....